Recent Obsessions

In my attempt to do more of what I need (and living the SoCal life), I've been trying to relax this week. It's a 3-day week due to July 4th tomorrow (yay vacation!).I started Battlestar Galactica on a whim. I know, right? Nerd. But it was just what I was looking for. Action, suspense, good story-lines and pretty good acting... like reading a fantasy novel. Great break from everything lately. Plus, H is into it, so we've watched 8 in the past 3 days. Sshh - don't tell. #nojudgingThen today, I stumbled upon Rhonna Farrer's new app and I am obsessed. It's tiny digital scrap-booking. I've already made two and I have ideas for more. Hoping I can add it on the iPad, since my iPhone screen feels too small to really get into the app. And there are sooooo many options. I love it. Love, love, love.And thirdly, avocado, kiwi, cucumber salad. Delish. I basically made this up from a homemade version I tasted at a bridal shower a few weeks ago and this recipe online. I went for fresh vs strong, so I added cucumber, left out all of the spicy stuff, and added ginger. Freakin' yum.So that's what I'm obsessing about, here on the even of the 4th of July. How's your week going? xo


The 4th


Ode To SoCal