Monthly Nutshell: June 2013
Boy 'o boy, do I feel like this past month beat me into submission. Hence not many posts. But then there were lots of posts, thanks to the idea of an editorial calendar (found via Ann-Marie's blog, which I am so digging). Like, duh, why didn't I think of this sooner?! But now that I have, any idea posts go straight into Google calendar and when I have the urge to write, the ideas are all there - both guiding and motivating me, FTW!So, yeah, June you weren't the easiest month, but I guess that's just how these things go.I remember welcoming you in - and even that day felt a little blah.We set up the patio garden, finally. And saw a few tiny tomatoes coming in.There was routine and welcoming summer early.My parents visited LA - their first trip with all three of us kids living here in SoCal now.H and I bought new furniture after a raucous day out with friends drinking mimosas. Much to Carter's dismay, the old furniture was put out on the curb for free.I tagged along with H to work a few times, up super early to be in Malibu by 8am. This changed up my routine and gave me some much needed ocean communing time (see photo above).Posted an update about my hair cut, which I am still on the fence about.Bowled the high score of my life, which included a turkey!Thought about and posted a Summer Manifesto. Plan to update that as the weeks go on.And I participated in Day In The Life, which helped me reconcile a few things again. Emotions always churning, life always moving along...How was your month?? xo