Day In The Life: Live Is Being Lived
Lately, I've been up and down emotionally. When this happens, I never know exactly why and therefore randomly try things to help me feel better. Most don't seem to work and the best plan is just to wait it out. Monday was anxiety, Wednesday was frustration, and Thursday was something close to depression.But when I remembered it was June's "day in the life", I perked up. Here was something that could anchor my day. Something that would remind me to notice the moments and to choose the "better" task hour to hour.So, I went through my day, taking photos. And I remembered my horoscope from Astrobarry last week:
In case you haven't noticed by now, Pisces, the horoscopes I've been writing you lately have been pretty fucking awesome. They have mostly centered around accepting yourself for who you are, right here and right now (instead of mooning over what could've been or might someday be), and just reveling in the giddiness and gorgeousness and general good-time feelings wherever and whenever you can find 'em. Now, I don't want to be a sugarcoating bliss-ninny and give you the mistaken impression that everything in life will be sunshine and rainbow and tutti-frutti ice-cream cones from here on out—hell, I bet even at the best of times, there are still some things that are functioning poorly and/or mainly serve the role of 'giant pain-in-the-ass'. And yet, here comes a year full of Jupiter-in-the-5th, starting early next week, which is one of the loveliest astrological happenings a sign can experience: an increase of encouraging planetary energy in the house of love and romance, children and child-like wonder, pleasure and play, and all leisure-time activities which bring creative self-fulfillment. Raise the roof on that one, dear fishy! While this will not magically remove all bumps-in-the-road or thorns-in-your-side, it does support you whenever you take steps to improve your appreciative enjoyment of the world. Knowing you, the hardest part just might be determining what you most genuinely enjoy… without unduly considering everyone else's preferences and pressures. Doing more of what you really really love, by the way, is an incredibly attractivequality.
And I focused on doing what I wanted to do.This is the hardest thing for me. I may seem all bad-ass and confident, but sometimes the slightest look from a friend or word from H can send me off into the hustle for worthiness.This week had plenty of that as I prepared for my annual review. Even though I just received a promotion, even though I rock my job, it sent me into a panic. Thoughts swirling about if I've done enough and will make the cut. If I'm liked...But I kept my focus on taking those photos. And the ideas from above: "just reveling in the giddiness and gorgeousness and general good-time feelings wherever and whenever you can find 'em... pleasure and play, and all leisure-time activities which bring creative self-fulfillment".And I realize now as I write this that the act of taking these photos, of noticing my life, gives value to where I'm at, allowing myself to do what I want with these precious minutes I'm given each day. And it brings creative fulfillment, which brings me deep happiness with myself and my life.*The picture of the 3 of us on our family walk is my fav---Related---Ali Edward's Day In The LifeSusannah Conway's e-courses, especially UnravellingLiz LamoreuxBrene Brown