And then I cut my hair off...
I've needed a haircut for months now. No recollection of the last time I had one... Fall 2013? Maybe even before the wedding? Is that possible!?While I'm generally organized and put together, things like haircuts and eye-brow waxing tends to fall by the wayside. Plus, my hair is wavy and blond, so it's not like it needs much to look pretty.It hit the length of "beyond frustrating" a few weeks ago, when the thought of showering and brushing it out became exhausting. It was then I realized it was probably long enough to donate to Locks of Love. So I started contemplating chopping it off - in an act of summer, of a fresh start, of becoming...The only other time I've ever done this was back in 2004 (wow, almost 10 years ago) when my hair was far beyond a good length and a free haircut sounded worth it. Plus, if I was donating it, I wouldn't feel so sad about it, right?I wasn't too upset about it then, and kept it at a shorter length for 1/2 a year or so, through my brother's graduation, living with my good friend JoAnna in Boston and moving to Nashville for a semester. Those were not great times, but at least my hair was cute.While the idea occurred to me a week or two ago, it was only this morning that I committed. Luckily, H's favorite stylist, Jenney, was working and had an open appointment I could hit on my lunch hour. And she was totally into this whole process - Donating is rad.
This is my before and after photo. My long hair is so beautiful, I am sad to see it go, but I know it'll grow back. Jenney said most people's hair grows 1/2 inch per month, which means I have about 6 months till my hair is a more usual length, but I can deal with that. Brings me right through the annual September heat-wave of Los Angeles. I even plan on going back in about 10 weeks to get a trim, like a big, hello summer. Hope your Monday was good!