Sundays Are For (Week 22)
Even though my sister just moved out of our apartment (after 5+ months crashing here) doesn't mean we don't want to hang out with each other.Today was CicLAvia - you can read more on their about page - but the gist is (from their site): CicLAvia makes the streets safe for people to walk, skate, play and ride a bike.How awesome is that?Today's route ran downtown LA to Venice beach, and since I live along the route, I took part 2x.My first ride I biked east bound with Carter Cash. This morning, I decided to give him a bath as he's been itchy and quite stinky (H calls it "dirty sock" smell). But, once he gets a bath, he needs to be outside to dry off. Perfect opportunity to bike him around.We didn't go very far, but it was lovely. The street was wide open with only a few bikers out and about. And people definitely smiled when they saw my pup running alongside my beach cruiser.My sister and I planned a beach day, so this was also perfect timing. We took our bikes with what felt like the rest of LA (it was uber-crowded by noon) down to Venice beach. And there were laid, on the sand, for a few hours. Listening to the ocean, napping, reading, and getting a tan.What an awesome way to wrap up this week - and really - the last 5 weeks and the last 5 months.Cheers. xo