Thinking About Boston

Today, I am thinking about Boston.I spent 4 years in this city. I owe it my marriage, my bestest friends and my current job.I was just there 2 weeks ago, walking the same exact sidewalk that the bombs went off near. Not sure there are right words in me to explain how I'm feeling. I'm not sure how I feel.Today, I have the day off because my work is closed, 3,000 miles away, while police and investigators collect evidence and mark off blast zones.I've avoided the media. Instead I've texted and called friends to check up on them. I've tried to carry peace and love with me through this day.Today, I am not there. I do not call this city my home anymore, but I agree with President Obama. Boston is a resilient and fierce city. I have no doubts that they will pull their baseball caps back over their eyes, tighten their watch, and move forward.But I wonder what this means for our world. For our country. There are no clear answers, I know, but we've got to keep asking the questions.


The Sphinx


Weekend Away