Time For Some Deeper Work
This week was a quiet week. It was a go to trivia and happy hour week. It was do a lot of cleaning and laundry week. Mostly, it was a good to be back home week.I've rested, wasted time and not done work when I should. And then I did a ton of work in a burst. So much of my own energy is sifting through my body, my days. Like I can't hold it in my hands. There is drama, red-tape, roundabout conversations that lead to no action items or conclusions.After one such round of emails today, I thought, I can't keep doing this. I need something more.More creative. More in-depth. More challenging.And not to actually leave my job or anything outrageous, but to shift my energy. I am becoming too complacent. Work is easy and the hours roll by. I've been living the good life for the better part of 3 years now. Doing what I want. Struggling with my own issues, yes, but really learning to manage myself and enjoy my life.I think I'm done taking in. This is not to say I won't need rest periods or inspiration. Everything has a season. But instead, I'm feeling that it's time for some deeper work, to put some things out into the world.If I only knew what those things were.