Monthly Nutshell - February 2013
The shortest month and yet, the longest month. The I-can't-believe-I-live-here-and-wear-flip-flops month. My birthday month.Carter was sick.We hosted our own Superbowl party of 3.In a rousing coffee hang with a friend. I named my need for indulgence. (Just writing that now makes me feel giddy and guilty at the same time).My feelings of absolute shit peaked. Or more so, hit bottom.Took a day off from work...and asked for help.Started reading Imajica and I love it.Listened to a podcast about bliss and started to feel better. It was encouraging.We celebrated 7 months and 7 days on Valentine's day. I sent everyone hedgehogs.We accidentally hiked 11 miles.We celebrated valentine's day with a scavenger hunt, drinks and Mexican food. H made heart-shaped pancakes.Met another friend for lunch and then went to her house for dinner, where I ate the craziest carrot cake ever.I turned twenty-nine. Happy Birthday. And had the most amazing night with our friends since our wedding.For my own birthday gift, I hired a stylist and threw out a ton of old clothing.My sister accepted a job at Menchie's. I finally felt better, basking in the sun. And we played the Imagine Dragons record on loop.