Love Is In The Air

Our Valentine's Day plans were actually for Saturday, though H made a good display of it on Thursday evening, it being our 7.7 anniversary.Since I've started running again, Saturdays are my long run day. I went out on my own with a Paperclipping Roundtable episode loaded on my phone for the hour+ run. It turned out perfectly, as I went 6 miles total, .5 farther than I planned (Woo!!)So I was in a pretty awesome mood when I got back home, even before I spotted the HEART-SHAPED PANCAKES!Yes - as I said the other day - H really is getting to be quite the romantic as we get older. There he was, pancake mold, bacon and berries, being all cooked up in our kitchen. Glorious.But wait - there was even more...He'd bought us a scavenger hunt from Urbanquest to take us through Venice beach. We headed out for our afternoon, parking near Abbot Kinney, and stopping by the Warby Parker school bus before starting near Market Street.It took us from a mural on Market to a side-street near the water to the beach path. It was never too hard, so it always felt fun. The worst part ended up being the combination of 80* weather, 3-day weekend and the fact that Venice is a tourist trap - it was so crowded!Still, with a pit-stop for ice cream, we completed our quest in a little under 2 hours. Afterwards, we enjoyed the weather some more by walking down to the Venice pier to meet friends for beers. Then it was on to our favorite restaurant for Mexican food, where I promptly consumed a 26 oz margarita, jalapeno poppers and a combination plate, and then felt way too drunk to walk back to the car.It was an adventure. And considering this was our first Valentine's day as a married couple, I'd say my husband hit it out of the park. Love him.<3 


Happy Birthday To Me


Sundays Are For (Week 19)