Intuition Ignition
I spent a good part of my 5m run with a friend picking her brain about visions, goals and aiming for what you want. 90-day plans. Being direct and clear with dates and measurements. How does she know? What do I do next if there's silence in my head when I ask? What kind of warning shots (as she calls them) can I send out? What am I looking for?On Monday I had coffee with another awesome friend; I found myself talking about the same ideas. He posed the whole "if you could do anything you wanted, what would you do?" question. My answer comes back "I would do this". Sit and have good conversations with someone I really like. Just show up and listen to people. Help them. Create art......but that seems soooooooooo indulgent, I said.As we talked, I realized that I'd been skirting something in these conversations. Essentially, I was complaining about not receiving any intuitive hits, about the silence on the radio dial. Instead, it seems, I've been ignoring my intuition, because the request just seems ridiculous.And here it is: I just want to sit and create all day. Create what? I have no clue, but I can tell you at the basic level it feels like - doodle in journal, glue things to paper, sketch out a poem or two. Nothing drastic, probably nothing worth keeping, but the action, the sweet feeling of cutting paper and holding a pen and putting something down, is what my soul seems to be craving.And then all hell broke loose at work for a day. I felt manic; talking to people, dealing with drama. I am proud of myself for handling it with an even attitude, but by the evening I was spent. A glass of wine, a bathtub and bed were my answers.Today I woke up with that old feeling of panic - the thought of answering emails and going to a coffee meeting made me want to cry. I felt exposed, too sensitive, and really wanting to go hide out alone.And then I left my keys in the unlocked car, IN THE IGNITION.So I called out of work tomorrow. I'm taking the day to recharge and indulge myself a little. So much of my horoscope encourages introspection and envisioning the future. So much of it asks me to focus on myself and rest.The ache to take a trip alone is back. To get away, to be in silence, to walk streets I don't know and sip coffee in new places. It may just be what I gift myself for my birthday.