Let the Holiday Seaon Begin!

Last night I ran a holiday event for work. It was awesome - we had a fabulous group of people show up, all went smoothly and my superiors are happy. On the other hand, it was tiring - talking to that many people, standing in the cold (my hips and feet were so stiff) and working a 12hr day.Being the first event of the holiday season, it was a nice kick-off. I got to see so many people from the alumni community I oversee and all were in bright moods. I especially loved seeing Krysta who has become one of the coolest people I've connected with in 2012. (I wrote about her here) We're pictured above :)I spent most of the day recovering - events take so much out of me (I'm an INFJ) I did my work, had Starbucks with my sister, went grocery shopping, she's baking cookies and we'll make arroz con pollo for dinner. I spent a chunk of the afternoon chatting with my good friend Liz who's two weeks into her relocation to the East Coast.None of this is incredibly interesting but it's my life this week. It's balancing events and home and anxiety and enjoying friends. It's the start of the holidays and the end of 2012. It's me circling and revisiting what matters most - time with people I love, being home and not putting too much weight on the things that don't matter.**If you're looking to review your year in a gorgeous and inspiring way, visit Susannah Conway's blog for her yearly workbook.


Unraveling The Year Ahead


Sundays Are For - Family Time (Week 13)