This Grateful Season - The Ocean

Yesterday we took a ride down to Hermosa Beach - so awesome. We walked around, looked off the pier at surfers, watched kids "sled" down the dunes on boogie boards and my sister and I touched every single item in Gum Tree (my favorite kind of store).I can't tell you how much I needed a little outing like this.Or how later that night I sat with a podcast and knitting and Instagram while H & H played Xbox. How I needed that time, if not the space.Or how I made sure to skip the alcohol at dinner, but I did bake and eat brownies.While I've mentioned things have been up and down (read: all of October and November) I thought I was feeling better on Thanksgiving. But then the past few days came and went and I felt worse. And when you're feeling bad, it's hard to understand how you ever felt good. Or if you will again.I think I just needed to relearn a lesson - that giving myself freedom, that giving in to the bad feelings, that creating all lift me up, and recenter me. And running, abstaining from alcohol, and seeing the ocean don't hurt either.

____________For the month of November, I write each day about something I’m grateful for and call it Grateful Season. It’s my way of reviewing the amazing year I’ve had and helps me focus on blogging during the crazy holiday season uptick. Feel free to join me – just make sure you let me know!



This Grateful Season - Kick Ass Wedding Weekend


Tucked In