This Grateful Season - The Coolest
Thankful for having such an amazing life. Whether I'm up or I'm down, I know I am blessed. Went out last night with my husband and sister for drinks. Enjoyed their company and watched them party (designated driver). Then got up early this AM for a 5k run with some awesome girls on the beach strand.
If you had told me, even three years ago, that this would be my life, I would've balked. I'd carried around so much pressure, baggage, crap, self-abuse and perfectionism I couldn't see past getting up in the mornings and slogging through a day. Sure, I had people who loved me and good times and laughter, but it wasn't like this.
And a friend said that now that I'm on the other side of it, I can see it clearer, but I realized this week it's more than that. I'm on the other side of that journey, those lessons, but life's path seems to be a spiral and I'm working through the same issues all of the time, just at a new level.
The past 8 weeks have been bleached out, void of color or the brilliance I've come to know and love. When I treat myself well, I thrive. When I beat myself up, I falter. It seems to be that simple, and yet, it's a lesson I need to keep learning. Practicing.
We're here to love one another and shine our goodness all around. Many thanks to those who love me and let me shine. I am so grateful for this life. It's the coolest.