This Grateful Season - SoCal Fall

We know I complained like a baby about the heat the past few months. Some days, it felt unbearable. Others it was so perfect in the gray of the morning that you'd never know it'd be boiling hot by noon. I get it. We live in the desert. I live where we take full advantage of the water diversions of centuries and one day that water could run out.But yesterday I took the above picture - 80s, sunny, with crisp leaves on the ground. Today it was rainy and "cold". It was bliss. And with that I drank tea, did my work, cleaned my house and collaged a bit. And boy, did I need that.As this Mercury Retrograde season slows me down, I'm hoping to have more days like today over the next few weeks. 


This Grateful Season - Music Like This


This Grateful Season - Siblings