This Grateful Season - The Basics
When I write these posts, I try to avoid being all highfalutin. If today I'm grateful for lattes or buttons, it can go into a post. No perfection here (if there were, I wouldn't be able to post each day).This morning, I took a pic of this shirt to share on Instagram to remind myself of being cozy and at home with my husband and sister in arm's reach. But as I thought about my day, and the devastation of hurricane Sandy, I wanted to put it out there that I am so grateful for the clothes on my back, the shelter over my head, the heat and a/c I can turn on with a switch, and the food in my fridge.When it comes down to it, I am blessed beyond belief - all of my basic needs are met and then some. I have enough food that some of it goes bad. And I throw it out. And a trash service takes it away. I have enough electric that I can leave lights on when I'm not home and charge all of my electronics. I have internet, clean sheets, hot water, quiet neighbors, my siblings near me, a smart pup, healthy parents and a rocking husband.It's crazy to think that I picked up my new favorite shirt (above) at a clothing swap. As in, a party where we all brought clothes we didn't want anymore to trade them around before taking the leftovers to Goodwill. We have enough clothing that we share them before donating (aka dumping) the old ones and then probably buying new ones to fill the closet space. And even though I do it too, it's baffling.I've been trying to think long and hard before purchasing items and bringing them into my home. Do I really want to store / clean / wear / wash this many many many times or will it just end up in a donation, or worse, a garbage pile in the next year? Do I really need this?All of my East coast family and friends seem to be OK, riding out the storm, cold, damage and losing electricity. My parents have a generator and good spirits. They've taken in my brother's friend who unfortunately wasn't so lucky with his material goods - both his apartment and his car were lost to the storm. So in honor of him and everyone else dealing with this recovery, I am grateful tonight for all I have and that they are safe. Sometimes I forget, but I really don't need more than that.If you or your loved ones were affected by Sandy, I am sending my thoughts and prayers your way. If you'd like to help, visit this page or donate to the American Red Cross.____________For the month of November, I write each day about something I’m grateful for and call it Grateful Season. It’s my way of reviewing the amazing year I’ve had and helps me focus on blogging during the crazy holiday season uptick. Feel free to join me – just make sure you let me know!