The pup's been flea-infested for a few weeks now. We think he picked them up from a friend's backyard, and with the hot weather and lack of strategic elimination on our part, they weren't going away. While I vacuumed a ton and bathed him, it just wasn't working.H never seemed particularly alarmed by this, which only served to drive me nuts. I kept myself on the neutral side of complete melt-down by reassuring myself the humans in the house weren't experiencing the fleas (yet) and that the problem wasn't getting worse. Each day I'd ask the dog to lay on his side and pick a few fleas from his bottom. Then we'd go on our merry way.While our travels are not over, one of us will be home the next few weekends and the dog won't need to stay overnight anywhere. And so, today was the day I dealt with the flea issue.An 8:30AM call to the vet gave me a boat-load of information. I was to buy diatomaceous earth, vacuum the carpet, cover the carpet with this floury substance, bathe the dog and treat him with flea prevention meds of only the highest quality.3 hours of my evening went to this project. The good news: I haven't seen a flea on the dog since. The bad: our apartment is covered in a fine film of white dust. H was not impressed, so much so that when he came home he suggested we just rip up the carpet and live with the concrete temporarily... which was my gross-carpet-fix suggestion all along, even pre-fleas!"What changed?" I asked"White powder all over the carpet...?" he said.Whatever. I didn't continue the conversation. I am annoyed that I finally took action to fix this problem, and spent my entire evening doing so, and it seemed to do nothing but drive him to take a drastic measure (one I had suggested and he had shot down for 2 months now).Shitty for us tonight. I got into a hot bath and soothed myself with water and a book. It's most aggravating when I think I'm doing something for us, even for him, to lessen the chore burden because I know he's tired, to improve the quality of our life and home, to check something off our list... but it just doesn't ring the same for him.Someone suggested I read this book, and after a quick read through of this PDF, I can see tonight was a prime example of speaking different languages. Now the question is - what to do about it, when he's gone to bed and I'm still feeling unappreciated...?