Productive Monday Holiday
Yesterday was a Monday holiday for me.Every week should be a 3-day weekend.I was uber-produtive, creative, relaxed and happy... even with some weird head cold that's brewing.I cleaned the bathroom, ran 3 loads of laundry, washed the doggie bed, walked Carter Cash for an hour, worked on an e-course, created a new journal to go with the e-course, cooked food, took care of the carpet company estimate, talked to my family 2x, read a book, journaled, worked on a video, vacuumed downstairs, dusted and vacuumed my bedroom, changed the sheets, responded to emails, and watched football (the Jets are depressing ::sigh::). All of this with energy and never really feeling pressured or upset I was doing so much cleaning alone.(Thank you moon void of course)Today was a pretty good day at the office, though I am right on the precipice of completely freaking out with all the work I have to do. I tried to list all of the projects and "next actions" I could think of a la Getting Things Done (GTD). It seemed to help, but more and more things keep pouring out of my head. The crazy part is - how was I not going crazy already with all of that in there? Well, I guess I was.There's a lot of stuff percolating - three upcoming trips, three work events, this e-course which I'm sure will dredge up some buried items and MY SISTER RELOCATING TO LOS ANGELES and sleeping on my floor for a few weeks.It's funny how I post here so often and hardly mention the people in my life. It's because I don't share this blog with anyone (though I understand it's out in the internets) and yet I feel like I have to ask permission to write about other people on here, which would mean I'd have to talk to them about the existence of this blog. Round & round.Anyways - I'm working on that. The above is enough for now, I think, especially if you didn't have yesterday off and / or are a Jets fan. 'Night.