September Season Shifts?

I want to feel like this...But I feel more like this...Still going through the motions. Today was full of ups and downs again, this time more jerky, the transitions rougher. Maybe it is a bought of depression. A "rough patch" as H called it.As I walked to my car in the morning sunlight, I thought about hot chai lattes, scarves, boots, sweaters. I ache for cooler weather (it was 92* in  the Valley). I wonder what is wrong with me - H says to change something or accept it. But change what? Things are going along just as they were, but I feel different. It's no fun.September is always a difficult month for me. Is it just my body craving the season change and not getting it? Maybe a week on the East Coast will help realign it all.We shall see...


Sundays Are For (Week 9)


Cooler Air Run