Morning Walk
Yesterday was a 10hr work day, and even though I rested in the middle of it, it was a 18hr day at its completion. Needless to say, today is off to a slower start. Carter Cash and I walked the beach path, up through Main Street and back. Then we made a pit-stop at Whole Foods. I felt like a true west-sider.Today is another slew of phone calls, meetings and a student workshop. Don't foresee being home before 10pm. Trying not to let all of this get me down. It's just another day and resistance will just make it harder. Somehow I made it through yesterday's astrological sludge and long hours with my energy spinning. But today, I come back down. I feel off balance, some little lump of anxiety or exhaustion seeping in. It's good to recognize these feelings even if I can't change my schedule. What I can, and will, do is make some tea, east some eggs and cut myself some slack. And then look forward to the day off I scheduled for Thursday.