Easter Lily, Morning Sun
After my trip to the East Coast (Boston & NY), the first few days back were pretty hectic. We had H's best friend and step-brother staying with us for bachelor party festivities, H had a health issue, and I went into crazy "nesting" mode (as I so often do after being away) unpacking bridal shower gifts, cooking and cleaning.It's taken me the entirety of the past week to replenish my reserves - I even took the week off from blogging - and now I feel a head-cold coming on. I've claimed so much down time reading and watching the NHL playoffs, I almost feel sluggish, but I know it's what I need. To add to my luck, I have tomorrow off (the college I work for is in Boston & tomorrow is Marathon Monday).I plan on spending the morning getting coffee with a good friend and then hopefully enjoying more alone time reading, writing and running a few errands. Mostly, I just want to sit at my kitchen table and soak up the light like our new Easter Lily H surprised me with when I returned from my trip. I love how tall and thick it is, how the flowers just keep blooming and how it makes our entire downstairs smell like a garden.