This Grateful Season - The List
I'm getting married.Even after being engaged for over a year, it's still weird to say. Even weirder is the stress that comes with trying to make decisions for the largest party I've ever thrown, that's 7 months away, where we'll be the center of attention and spending a boat-load of money. Eek.But, this is not a wedding post as much as it's a thank-goodness-we-worked-out-the-guest-list post. Because last night and tonight, that's what we did. It's more than the room can hold, but we're crossing out fingers and toes that we'll see a significant drop off with people not being able to travel from LA to NY. We get it. What's important to me is that the people I care about - those that love and support us and our relationship - and also happen to be super freakin' fun to party with - will know that we want them to share this celebration with us. We're leaving it up to them to decide if they can join us.