This Grateful Season - My Wedding Planner
This whole wedding thing is just kinda stressful and by that I mean, it's so not fun and exciting I feel like something is wrong with me. It's overwhelming, confusing, time-consuming and expensive, not to mention walking the fine line of also being dramatic and illogical.With all of that said, I'm so grateful I have a very good friend, Liz, who's just dying to be a professional wedding planner and elected herself my planner before I was even engaged. I distinctly remember sitting by a pool, reading magazines, the puppies at our feet, and her talking about planning my wedding. I had goosebumps of anticipation. It was surreal then and it still feels dreamy now - as if someone else, not me, is engaged, planning and getting married. Yikes.Last week I made progress bookmarking table decorations, bridesmaid dresses and possible officiants and, in classic Type-A fashion, promptly had a complete meltdown soon after. "That's par for the course," Liz said. Oh, ok, good to know I'm not insane.She handed me a 6-page schedule of all the tasks that need completing down to the day of the wedding. While everyone else keeps saying, "Oh July? You have plenty of time" Liz is all "This better be done by December 1st or you.are.screwed". Which is good, because I need all the accountability I can get.I left her house tonight feeling on the excited side of butterflies, that maybe we can afford this, I can do this, and everything is possible. I know that feeling will fade as I look through photography sites and see professionals we can't afford or when I have to have sticky conversations with family, but right now, I'm content. I don't know what I'd do without her, that's for sure.~~~