#Trust30 – Day 5 - Alaska
Still going strong, though it's only Day 5 of #trust30. Weirdly enough, today we got up early (and full of crankiness of my part) to attend one of those time-share presentations. The gist is you sit through a one-on-one spiel where they try to sell you a time-share property and in return you're "gifted" a small vacation for "free". Of course, nothing is free - there is the time spent, the taxes and parking paid for, and the difficult social exchange (especially for me) of saying "No" repeatedly to someone who does this to pay his bills.We survived, with only a small sense of guilt, and two vacations that we'll hopefully be able to plan and use before they expire...This morning dovetails perfectly with today's prompt as travel is on my mind.We listed off our Top 5 travel places on a whim... thinking more now, I'd probably edit this list, but I'm willing to travel anywhere at this point, so this will suffice for now:
- Alaska (me)
- Italy (mostly Rome for him, Sicily / Tuscany for me)
- Costa Rica (us, surfing)
- Hawaii (us, just because)
- Europe trip (us, everywhere)
While the unknown and chaos of traveling makes me anxious, I love the adventure of it, the newness and untethered experience of being out in the world. There are so many places I want to go in my life and I've gone to so few.My parents vacation to relax. We're talkin' reading, sleeping, swimming on the beach from sunrise to sunset, with some restaurants, ice cream and amusement park fun thrown in. We do not sightsee. In fact, I grew up on Long Island and it wasn't until I was 14 and a wonderful neighbor convinced my mom to take us into "the City" to see "A Christmas Carol" that we actually stepped into Manhattan as a family. I've done more traveling in the past 3 years with my fiance's family than I have in my entire life with my own. This is not to knock my family - I love me a beach and a book - but to have made it to the age of 18 without having flown west of Ohio is just sad to me. So, I have the travel bug...But for today's prompt, it's Alaska and my weird obsession with it visiting it. From my grandmother's stories of her cruise through the region to my reading of "Into The Wild", there is something pure that calls my soul to Alaska. I don't know why. Maybe when my feet touch the soil, my bones will know.Until then, I can only dream.