#Trust30 - Day 2 - Today in 1 Sentence

I am participating in a lot this month - working on keeping a lot of creative-based projects to keep me grounded.

  1. #Trust30 is here. Daily prompts based on Ralph Waldo Emerson's writing.
  2. 1book140 is here. Twitter book club, reading Margaret Attwood's Blind Assassin.
  3. Vein of Gold. After finishing the Artist's Way, I need to keep some Julia Cameron in my life.
  4. And then, of course, Unravelling.

Today's #Trust30 prompt is to describe today using one sentence. As I've finally moved office spaces, I can sum it up with this cliche...Out with the old, in with the new.Or...Soba noodle lunch in my new office space with a splitting headache but happy none-the-less. 


The Me That I Know I Am (#trust30 Day 3)


The Past 4 Days...