Emergence / Presence
My word for 2010 is emergence.Jupiter was in Pisces, Saturn moved out of Virgo. I felt myself expanding, gaining confidence and beginning to learn who I really am.A few weeks ago, I was worried that I had wasted this year, but then I started listing events.Travel, which was a goal for 2010: We took trips to Utah, the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Diego, and multiple trips to the East Coast (MA, PA, NY, FL and NC).Lots of firsts: I flew in a helicopter, drove an ATV, started therapy, hiked Angels Landing, slept under the stars, shot a shotgun, rode a horse, launched another event, and established this blog.Huge life events: We adopted a dog AND got engaged.And my favorite accomplishment of 2010? Finally liking peanut butter! (haha)I didn't participate in Bestof09 but I followed along as Gwen Bell reviewed her year. It inspired me to make some general goals (?) for the coming year. Now I'm excited to be fully in #reverb10.And that brings me to my word for 2011 - Presence.Honestly, it just came to me, but it feels right. With all of the emerging, thinking, feeling and living I've been doing, if there's anything I want it's to live my life more fully. To not be concerned with the past or the future, but to be fully present now.To exist in the now. Companionship. Self-assurance. Calmness. Enough. To be fully in my body, my life and for that to be enough.